Friday, September 01, 2006

How to get information on busiess in Central and Eastern Europe

I have not very good news for people doing or planning to do business in CEE: they have been deprived of one important information resource. Central Eastern Europe Business Information Center (which was a part of US Trade Administration and provided excellent info and help with regards market data, trends, advice, etc.) is now closed for good... It is still listed in all CEE directories but it doesn't provide any services as of end 2005...

On its original website they provide names of organizations that now perform parts of its former duties, please, visit:
However this is not complete suite of services in one place as it was before, not as efficient and conveniet.

We at EMAdvice also try to cover for many of the Center's services, especially with regards of market research, trends analysis, etc. Please, visit us at

In this blog we are commited to providing resources related to business, culture, tourism, etc. not only in CEE but globally. Please, visit us regularly for more useful information.

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