Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Foreign Direct Investment

Recenty I found a great market reserach tool analyzing Foreign Direct Investment Projects globally: . Extensive reports can be ordered for a fee but snapshot reports and some extra reports are available for FREE per country.

The snapshot reports give you data for the last 4 years (2003-2006) and provide information on total figures, figures per country (investing in your chosen country), industry, by business function and data on the top 5 multinational companies investments.

In Downloads section you can find some extra free reports and presentations related to international business and FDI.

Finally, Locomonitor publishes free quaterly reports per certain topic. For instance, Q1 2006 report analyses China outbound FDI and Q3 2005 report is talking about Strategic Ivestment Locations for 2005.

I hope you find this information useful for your International Business/FDI projects.

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